Party Finder

Party Finder

The internet allows to become more anonymous and distanced to other people. The sites that try to increase the in real life social action are specialized towards specific purposes. Dating, hobby trading etc. With the party finder we would like to challenge people to open up their personal time and space to meet new people, for the sake of having a good time, and meeting new people.

Possible revenue streams

In order to create a continuous flow of social content, we believe the site should be completely free for regular users. People finding parties, and people creating non-commercial parties. Even for unknown musicians (see MySpace link further down) it should be free.

The main revenue streams should come from a fee for company events – bar’s, disco’s, and concerts.

Additional revenue could come from specific advertising partners, hosting special events – brewing companies, RTD companies, etc. A prime example of a possible partner would be Tuborg the Danish Brewery who is hosting a series of parties around the country during the summer of 2013, in cooperation with the DJ. Kongsted.

Future enhancements

  • Tie-in with other social content sites: Dating, Review etc.
  • More social connections
    • Google+
    • MySpace, especially good for up-and-coming musicians trying to gather an audience
    • Integration with Facebook events
    • Export to calendar
    • Windows Live
    • Twitter


The marketing for the site should be multifold,

It is for sale?

Yes. The concept, site and source are all for sale. We would preferably like to partner with an web company with experience within social content, but we are open for discussion about and with anyone.